Will Medicare Pay For A Lift Chair?

Will Medicare Pay For A Lift Chair?

When people age, they find it challenging to move from one place to another without assistance. Even some older adults have some medical issues due to which they cannot even stand or sit properly. To properly assist them without making them feel low or burdened, lift chairs are an incredible invention. 

It helps people change their positions from sitting to standing and sit comfortably on the lift chair. Medicare is a health insurance company for people with disabilities, whether young or sixty-five plus. There is another part of Medicare, known as Medicare-B. This program involves equipment like durable medical equipment (DME), including lift chairs. However, older adults want to know if will Medicare pay for a lift chair. They can relieve the expenses. 

5 Vital Factors To Know: Will Medicare Pay For A Lift Chair?

Lift chairs are motorized medical equipment specially designed for people with mobility issues. It is important to note that Medicare will cover half of the amount of the lift chairs. To help people with mobility issues who need medical assistance. They cannot buy a lift chair due to the high cost. A particular criterion is fixed to be completely eligible for the lift chairs. You may need to consider the following factors to know if will medicare pay for a lift chair.

Medically Approved And Legal Documents:

The first must-have thing to be eligible for the lift chair is having any medical condition. Due to this, you cannot move independently and need other’s assistance. To get a little freedom, you need a lift chair. It is also essential that your doctor provide a written prescription saying you’re medically unhealthy. Complete details about how you feel due to your condition and a lift chair to continue your daily routine activities. 

Medicare Registered Retailer:

The second thing in will medicare pay for a lift chair is only buying the lift chair from a retailer. Who is also using the program of Medicare. You may have to pay additional costs if you buy the lift chair from any other retail store. But when you show the medical prescription that has approved your application for the lift chair. Your burden can be reduced, and you don’t have to pay extra costs. 

Expenses From Your Side:

Thirdly, Medicare will cover at least eighty percent of the cost of the lift chair. But you will pay the additional fees for the lift chair. If the retailer charges you more than Medicare covers, you must also cover these expenses. 

Buy A Lift Chair Or Use It Temporarily:

The fourth thing is Medicare offers you to either buy a lift chair entirely or use it on rent. If you don’t have a permanent mobility issue and need a lift chair just to be physically healthy. In this condition, you’ll pay the amount for the lift chair every month. And Medicare will cover half of the expenses if you buy a lift chair.

Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC):

The fifth thing is local Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) in every area with different policies. They will tell you if your application for a lift chair is approved or not and to which level. You can ask them for detailed information to ensure you can easily buy your lift chair. You should also know about an incredible type of lift chair known as 2 Position Lift chair.

How Much Is A Chair Lift?

After knowing, will Medicare pay for a lift chair? You should know that the cost of a lift chair varies according to the six factors below. 

  • The price of a standard lift chair is affordable. Whereas the price of lift chairs with additional and improved features is expensive. 
  • The brand or retail store from where you buy it matters. If they have a good reputation in the market, their prices will also be high. But if they have a low reputation, you can find affordable lift chairs. 
  • You need to fix a limit on your budget to check if you can buy a particular lift chair. 
  • The cost will be reduced if you buy a used lift chair. Whereas if you buy a brand new one, its cost will be high. 
  • If you purchase a small or bulky lift chair, their prices will vary accordingly. 
  • You should discuss your budget and the specific qualities. You want in your lift chair with the supplier you’re buying from. This will help you remain on budget and have a good quality lift chair. 

Final Thoughts:

To conclude, will Medicare pay for a lift chair? You should know that Medicare covers a fixed percentage of expenses. However, different factors can influence increasing or decreasing the price of the lift chair. Don’t forget to check out 3 Position lift Chairs if you want a lift chair.

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