7 Tips to Choose the Best Mobility Scooter for You

7 Tips to Choose the Best Mobility Scooter for You

1. Indoor vs. Outdoor Use

Where you plan to ride your mobility scooter most often is a great place to start. If you mainly plan to use your mobility scooter indoors you should consider a device with a tight turning radius. Three-wheel mobility scooters and portable travel scooters tend to have a lower turning radius than their larger four-wheel counterparts. Before completing your purchase we suggest measuring the doorways in your home and compare that number to the dimensions of the device you are considering. Remember to may lose 1-2" if your door is hinged. If you plan to mainly use your scooter at shopping centers and for travel we suggest lightweight options that fold like the Golden Technologies Buzzaround CarryOn manual folding mobility scooter.

If you plan to mainly use your mobility scooter outdoors we suggest a four-wheel scooter. We recommend them because they can tackle rough terrain easier and more safely. Ground clearance and suspension are important factors to consider if you plan to off-road and tackle different terrains. Ground clearance is the space under the scooter measured from the ground to the bottom of your mobility scooter. Portable travel mobility scooters have smaller ground clearances than bigger mobility scooters. The Buzzaround EX 4-wheel mobility scooter is a great place to start when searching for an outdoor mobility scooter.

Even larger mobility scooters, such as heavy-duty scooters, usually include an even higher ground clearance and larger weight capacity. If you plan to travel over rough terrain or other obstacles that you routinely encounter like thresholds, you need a mobility scooter with a higher ground clearance. The issue with selecting a heavy duty mobility scooter, like the Golden Technologies Eagle, is that they aren't easily transported like your much smaller portable travel scooters. To transport an all-terrain mobility scooter you would need to load them into the bed of a pick-up truck or add a vehicle lift to your vehicle.

Travel Range

In addition to the number of wheels you must consider the maximum travel range of your prospective mobility scooter. If you plan to take short trips to stores or at home, a smaller scooter with small wheels should fit your needs. Smaller wheels usually lead to a rougher ride and they are meant for smooth flat surfaces like sidewalks. An example of a mobility scooter with a short travel range would be the Golden Technologies Buzzaround LT Four-Wheel with a max range of 8 miles on a full charge.

A medium-sized mobility scooter like the Golden Technologies LiteRider Four-Wheel portable scooter will increase your overall travel range to roughly 12 miles on a single charge. This mobility scooter is perfect for trips around your include neighborhood, shopping centers, and hospitals. Medium sized mobility scooters tend to have a larger turning radius which may make it harder to maneuver in tighter spaces.

A larger mobility scooter is suitable for use outdoors and in rural communities because of the wide turning radius. Don't let the turning radius turn you away from these larger models as they will contain a much higher drive range. For example the Shoprider Sprinter XL4 features a 25 mile drive range. An increased travel range is important for all day trips outdoors. Keep in mind if you buy a large mobility scoter you must have ample room to store it in your home or garage.


Enhance Mobility Transformer 2 Automatic Folding Portable Mobility Scooter

Enhance Mobility Transformer 2 Automatic Folding Portable Mobility Scooter 

2. How the Scooter Fits You

How your specific body type fits on your mobility scooter may affect your overall comfort. Check dimensions such as seat height to the to be sure you can sit comfortably during use. Your feet should be able to lie flat on the footrest portion while your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle for your comfort. You need to be able to reach the tiller without having to curve your back. Three-wheel mobility scooters often times offer more leg room and are a good option for taller users. The Golden Technologies LX three-wheel mobility scooter offers ample legroom and an infinitely adjustable tiller.

You also need to be sure you are within the posted weight capacity of the mobility scooter. It is important that the scooter supports your body weight as well as the items you plan to carry with you daily like groceries. Four-wheel scooters have a wider wheelbase which in turn make it more stable for heavier users.

To operate a standard scooter tiller you need to be able to hold onto the tiller with both hands. You will need to have the dexterity to operate the speed controls and other options as well. Most mobility scooters require constant pressure to move in both directions. Removing this pressure from the throttle will engage the braking system. 


Golden Technologies Buzzaround LX 4-Wheel Disassembling Mobility Scooter

Golden Technologies Buzzaround LX 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

4. Seat

If you plan to use your mobility scooter all day you may want to consider a medium or full sized mobility scooter. We make this suggestion because the larger mobility scooters tend to have well-padded and contoured seats. Most mobility scooters come with a stadium style seat, but a captain's seat offers more support and comfort. Smaller portable folding mobility scooters tend to have less padding and they aren't a great option for longer all day use. We do suggest always checking the seat width of the mobility scooter before buying. You want to be sure the seat is big enough for your specific body type.

EV Rider Transport AF+ Automatic Folding Mobility Scooter Seat

EV Rider Transport AF+ Automatic Folding Mobility Scooter Seat

5. Portability

If you like to travel by car, airplane, or cruise ship with your mobility scooter you should consider travel portable mobility scooter. A travel mobility scooter oftentimes compact and foldable. If it doesn't fold they most likely can easily be disassembled. While selecting your portable mobility scooter you need to consider the scooters overall weight or weight of its heaviest piece. You  need to be sure you or your caregiver can lift it in and out of your vehicle. The dimensions also need to be researched for storage purposes in your home and the trunk of your car. One of the most portable mobility scooters we offer is the lightweight EV Rider Transport M manual folding scooter. The Transport M weighs only 42 lbs. total making it ideal for travel.

EV Rider Transport M Manual Folding Travel Mobility Scooter

EV Rider Transport M Manual Folding Mobility Scooter

6. Maximum Gradient

The maximum recommended climbing angle for mobility scooters is the max angle that the mobility scooter can travel up an incline while all wheels touch the ground. This is a key specification for folks who live on or near hills, have a steep driveway, or need to use ramps often. Portable mobility scooters usually have the lowest max incline rating. This rating is usually between 5-8 degrees. The range increases for bigger mobility scooters and is roughly 6-12 degrees. Recreational mobility scooters are going to provide some higher maximum gradient numbers than most mobility scooters.


7. Top Speed

Portable mobility scooters have lower top speeds between 3.5 - 5 mph. Full-sized mobility scooters can reach speeds around 6 mph and heavy-duty scooters can reach around 8 mph. Get used to the speed controls of your mobility scooter before throttling down on your next outing. Smaller scooters, especially three-wheel devices can tip while taking corners if the corner is taken at higher speeds. Always take corners with caution. A safe speed for mobility scooters in crowded areas and on sidewalks is 2-3 mph tops. Most tillers have a speed setting that can be changed to your liking.

Questions? Contact our Team!

Our staff of mobility experts are waiting for your email or call. We can be reached at 727-537-6275 to discuss any questions you may have during your research. Once you are speaking with one of our experts be sure to ask them about your special pricing. You can contact us here and we look forward to speaking with you soon.


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